The club meeting on the last Thursday of the month for the 14-member club is called the Million Dollar Breakfast ­ members put $10 in the pot and pay for their own breakfasts. The pot plus fines and happy dollars are donated to whatever charity the speaker chair for the month chooses. Generally it winds up being a hundred and twenty or thirty dollars.

 Typically, we discuss upcoming service projects and fund raisers. This past week, though, funding of the club’s Mongolian global grant was the main topic of discussion. When PDG Tony Gilmore explained that money donated to the Foundation would satisfy the Every Rotarian Every Year request and would be matched by $.50 on the dollar, members of the club gave $1700, a visitor added $100, the million dollar pot was donated and the club kicked in $400 for a total of $2310 which, with the match, came up to $3,465 total for the Global Grant. Not bad for a club of 14 whose motto is “the Little Club that does”.